Resources for Healthcare Professionals
Today is For Me. Toolkit for Healthcare Professionals
This toolkit provides background research and conversation starters for healthcare professionals to engage in meaningful conversations with the people they see who may become or are planning a pregnancy. Request the Toolkit and other free rack cards and posters from Today is for Me.
At-a-Glance: Perinatal Provider Toolkit
Find the right resources at the right time for patients with perinatal substance use. This PDF provides access to reliable and easy-to-access patient resources based on the online toolkit by the Mid-America Addiction Transfer Center.
New Hampshire’s Family Care Plan
Ensure your patients have the resources they need while pregnant and caring for a new baby. A Family Care Plan is a useful tool, not only for every infant born exposed to prenatal substance exposure but for all pregnant/parenting people and their infants. Find the most up-to-date resources (i.e. template, guidelines, flowcharts ) related to Family Care Plans.
March of Dimes
The March of Dimes has information on baby growth and development as well as health information for women on the use of many substances during pregnancy.
The Center for Addiction Recovery in Pregnancy and Parenting (CARPP)
Connect directly with a network of experienced clinicians and researchers working together to support women who are pregnant and parenting through their recovery from addiction and to promote healthy growth and development in their children. CARPP providers are available to answer questions from providers about the care of pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders, as well as their newborns and their children.
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Efforts – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A summary of the CDC’s efforts related to alcohol screening and brief intervention among pregnant patients. This resource includes implementation guides for providers.
Refer you patients to free, confidential and convenient telephone coaching services to quit any form of tobacco. Enhance services are available for pregnant and post‐partum women. Services are available in English and Spanish with translation for many other languages. Access free professional development modules for tobacco treatment. Order free Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation materials (available in English, Spanish and Portuguese).
2022 CDC Clinical Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids
As of October 2022, the U.S. CDC has issued new guidance on the use of opioids for pain treatment, including for pregnant and postpartum patients. Includes recommendations for determining whether or not to initiate opioids; selection and dosing, tapering, assessing risk and mitigating harms, and treating opioid use disorder.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): Tobacco and Nicotine Cessation During PregnancyFind up-to-date clinical guidance on screening, care and support related to tobacco use for pregnant patients.
SBIRTNH.orgResources to help busy practices implement SBIRT into routine practice with patients. Training resources, demonstration videos and playbooks are available to assist your practice adopt a system to screen all patients for problematic substance use and provide life-saving referrals.